Visited Cities

by Bolsos

Reisen & Lokales


Mark the cities you have visited, check your stats and share with your friends!

Do you want to keep a record of all the places you have visited? Visited Cities lets you pin the cities you have been to on a beautiful map! Most apps only allow you to mark entire countries or states, but with Visited Cities you can visualize exactly where you have been.++ HUGE CITY DATABASELook up cities in a huge database which includes every city with over 10.000 inhabitants. You can also pin any place you want in the map by tapping there for two seconds. ++ COMPLETE STATSHow many continents have you visited? Which percentage of countries in the whole world and in each continent? ++ MAKE YOUR WISHLISTWhich cities do you want to visit next? Create your wishlist and plan your trips!++ SHARE!Share a beautiful image of you map on any social network. You can also share your stats.++ BACK UP YOUR DATALog in to Facebook to back up your data, so you will neve loose it if you switch devices.++ FIND YOUR FRIENDSSee your Facebook friends maps and check which cities they have been to.++ TEST YOU KNOWLEDGEHow much do you know about the cities you have visited? Find out with the quiz!